Becoming a Member
We welcome new members that share our passion for historic vehicles and preserving our motoring heritage. Ownership of a historic vehicle is not a prerequisite for membership.
We require prospective members to attend at least 3 Club meetings or events before being eligible for membership. This enables prospective members and us to get to know one another, to share our interests and expertise.
Our Club has a Procedures and Policy document that contains considerable back ground information on the Club including details on meetings, membership and fees, plus the Club’s requirements for any vehicles on historic vehicle registration. If you contact us with a membership enquiry we will provide this to you.
The cost for new members to join our club is $60. This is comprised of our Annual Membership Subscription of $55 plus a $5 joining fee. Membership is from July to June with renewal fees payable before 31st July each year.
For new members please click here to download our membership application form.
To lodge your form, simply hand it to any Committee member at a meeting or on a run. Do not include any payment at this time.
Whether you are young or middle age and looking for something different, or just retired and looking for a new circle of friends and a new pass-time, there are numerous veteran, vintage and classic vehicles available to suit your individual desires and image. It need not be expensive, and can be very rewarding mixing with friends who have a common interest, and at the same time enjoying plenty of open air and outside activities